The Only SEO Strategy You’ll Ever Need

SEO is a complex topic. From link building to keyword optimization, and everything else in-between, it is always too easy to become bogged down in the quagmire of SEO. For this reason, it is important to step back and examine the bigger picture. There is no pressing need to concern yourself with every minute detail and technique; in this article you are going to learn the only SEO strategy you’ll ever need, and it is much less complex than you would ever imagine.

At the root of successful SEO lies quality content. This is the beating heart of high search rankings and abundant organic traffic. However, most webmasters obssess over the miutiae of search optimization at the expense of quality content. It is not uncommon to see a webmaster spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a month on virtual assistants, software tools, and training manuals that all ignore the bigger picture of quality content. This is no different to someone who is trying to lose weight by taking every pill and potion under the sun, while ignoring the fact that they eat too much and never exercise.

Google and other search engines have expressly revealed their intent to put sites with quality content at the top of their search rankings (even for lucrative keywords). If you are currently plastering over a lack of content by using all forms of SEO trickery, then you need to address this fast before you become a victim of a search algorithm change from which there might well be no return.

Therefore, the most important and effective SEO strategy that you can pursue is to focus on delivering quality, informative, and well-presented content to your readers. Even if your website or blog audience is currently small, by having superb content you will grow quickly through word of mouth. In fact, some of the web’s most successful blogs and sites evolved into popular destinations purely on the basis of the prolific, quality-focused nature of their writers and owners.

There are two main considerations you need to make to ensure you are delivering content that is beyond reproach. Firstly, you have to research what your audience wants to learn or discover. If your site visitors want information about Golden Retrievers, then do not give them articles about German Shepherds. Even Steven King would find it a hard-sell to get a Golden Retriever fanatic, who is not looking for information on any other breed, to get excited reading about German Shepherds.

Secondly, you need to ensure that content you create delivers on any implied promises. If you write a blog post that promises in its headline to teach seven dog training tricks, then make sure you actually teach seven different tricks for training dogs. Do not give six tips, because that would mean you have not fulfilled your implied promise to the reader.

SEO in 2014 (and beyond) is all about delivering your readers with well-presented, quality content and information. The days of being able to manipulate rankings through small artifices are all but over.

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